British Asian Fashion Week

Hay everyone! In today’s blog post sjfashions is sharing a video clip from British Asian Fashion Week SS14.

I’m sure you’ve wondered whether there are fashion shows that represent Asian designers in the UK considering the Asian population make-up 5.8% across England and Wales; and yet like designers who are of African and Caribbean heritage struggle to gain exposure in the mainstream fashion industry – even though they are artistically creative.

Sjfashions was pleased to see through researching that the Asian community have an event for everyone who like garments with a cultural flare. You will notice that many of the designs are crafted with influence of the western world juxtaposed with a cultural, traditional modern twist.

In this video you will hear from designers, stylists, and bloggers on their thoughts of Asian design and more which was presented by Desi Blitz – a lifestyle magazine website. So sit back and enjoy!

Hackney’s Fashion Hub Trust

Hay guys and dolls! Yes it’s been a while since sjfashions last blog post and so we thought it would be a good idea to inform you of a new project that is to promote fashion in Hackney – East London. Hackney Fashion Hub Trust intends to support local fashion designers to start-up their own business as many designers tend to not know where to start. The trust is to offer mentoring services to help entrepreneurs in the fashion industry with the opportunity to liaise with local work-space providers to ensure fashion designers get the support and guidance they need for their business.

Besides ‘Hackney Fashion Hub Trust’ there is the ‘Hackney Fashion Hub’ which is to get the local community into employment with jobs soon to be on offer such as sales staff, manufacturing, stitching and alterations, catering and hospitality, security and maintenance. Meg Hillier MP of Hackney South and Shoreditch stated: “This is an exciting opportunity for Hackney and the development will provide jobs for local people as well as opportunities for new business”.

At present the Hackney Fashion Hub is still in development and hopefully should be open soon. However, below is a timetable outline in regards to the development process of this new and exciting project so far.

  • 18 October 2012 – Consultation Starts
  • 25 October 2012 – First consultation exhibition
  • Winter 2012/13 – Detailed plans being developed
  • Feb/Mar 2013 – Second round of consultation
  • May 2013 – Submission of proposals
  • Summer 2013 – Hackney Council’s statutory consultation period
  • October 2013 – Hackney Council grants planning permission for the plans
  • 2014 – Work starts on site

If you would like to find out more information please visit Hackney Fashion Hub or contact

SJFashions at UEL Fashion Week 2014

UEL Collection GFW14

It was one of the most exciting weeks for fashion and design graduates across the UK  as they got ready for GFW 2014.

sjfashions could only imagine what it must of been like for soon-to-be graduates anticipating that everyone in the fashion industry would be attending to watch and critique their collections at the Truman Brewery in East London. Trying to finish collections, booking models and not-to-mention getting hair and makeup ready for the most prestigious week of their lives as their designs were to be acknowledge after three years of hard work.

It was a real eye opener as it was the first time attending an event such as graduate fashion week.  There was an abundance of universities; 43 to be precise with a lot of undiscovered talent who are artistically creative in their own right. However, as there was loads to choose from sjfashions narrowed it down and viewed two graduate shows; one being University of East London on 31st May.

20 graduates had showcased their designs from UEL but two that caught sjfashions eye were Hollie Tarrier and Chloe Taylor see in the last 10 minutes from the footage. Hollie’s designs consisted of floral prints and embellishments crafted on simple nude/beige knitted crop-tops and calf-length skirts also in gold metallic. In addition, her collection had off-white straight-leg pants and a thick polo-neck jumper accompanied by a oversize coat. Furthermore, Chloe’s collection consisted of breath-taking floaty-sheer evening gowns which were tastefully sexy as the material was see-through. Her collection showed a sense of purity which seemed as though the collection had somewhat of a wedding vibe.

The show was a fabulous experience with upbeat urban music which the graduates chose for each collection. sjfashions has always felt that fashion and music compliment each other and this show was proof.



Young Designer – Tumisola Ladega

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

sjfashions has discovered a highly creative and inspirational young designer called Tumisola Ladega who is only 15 years old studying textiles and art for her GCSE’s. Tumisola is one of very few that know what they want to do from the age of 15 as most people tend to change their mind in regards to careers, which is natural. So, it was no surprise when this young designer told people she wanted to do just that, design. Tumisola expressed that when she would share her passion with her pairs and other people they would: ” laugh and say I would grow out of it, that it is really hard to become successful in the fashion industry; but I am 100% positive I want to be a fashion designer”.

Tumisola wants her brand ‘Tumiila’ to be a house hold name internationally and dreams of having her work showcased at London Fashion Week and Mercedes-Benz New York. As Tumisola develops her crafts she hopes to be able to style celebrities and get her name out in the world of fashion in order for more opportunities arise. Tumisola Lodega says she get’s her inspiration from: ” everything – whether it’s a plug socket or blinds, anything can make a beautiful garment”. Tumisola has a diverse range of creations from ready to wear couture to avant guard whilst using a range of patterns and prints such as African wax.

Tumisola has showcased her work at high-profile fashion events such as African Fashion Week London 2013, Lagos Fashion and Design Week 2013, FDC Designer Awards 2013 and came 2nd place at the Young Designer Awards 2011. Tumisola Lodega hopes to get into three of the top fashion colleges/universities in the UK such as Central St Martins College of Arts and Design.

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

‘Arefa’ by Arefa Motala

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sjfashions introduces the ethnic-chic designer Arefa Motala founder of ‘Arefa’ designs who’s inspiration comes from the Middle East and India. Arefa graduated with a degree in fashion design at Manchester University in 2002 and has flourished her expertise through various fashion retail management positions and was able to broaden her knowledge within the luxury world of fashion.

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In 2013 Arefa showcased her collection during London Fashion Week and since then has been the talk amongst her fashion peers. Arefa’s collection consists of floaty sheer dresses with a touch of modesty due to her signature head wraps; whilst mixing embroidery patterns, pearls and diamanté for an intricate finish. Arefa’s colour palette takes its inspiration from rich, opulent spice tones and deep midnight skies of the east with some more demure and natural hues.


Furthermore, Arefa has collaborated with director Glen Mackay for a short documentary to be released spring 2014. The video depicts dark skinned beauty and fashion that features Arefa’s stunning designs modelled on the catwalk including behind the scenes footage.

Arefa is based in the UK and worldwide.

Date-Night Valentine Pieces

This weeks blog is different from our usual postings as normally the focus is on fashion students, designers and etcetera. Sjfashions is aware that Valentines Day approaches on Friday 14th February 2014 and so we thought it would be a great idea to source chic pieces fashionistas could wear on a date. However, if these items aren’t to your style then don’t worry as each ensemble has a link to the fashion store were they are sold so you can scout other items.

None of these key pieces have to be worn as one ensemble but as individual pieces to mix and match with something of your own choice, if you wish. Enjoy!

Lady Gaga “Looking Good and Feeling Fine”

sjfashions was searching for a new sound that incorporated fashion and we stumbled across this chic and futuristic song by the infamous Lady Gaga.

We know that Lady Gaga likes fashion as she is known to wear outrageous outfits at celebrity events, so its no surprise that she wrote a song called FASHION were she expresses her emotions to the subjective industry. Press Play!



College Students – Fashion Portfolios and Sketchbooks

portfolio picture

Here at sjfashions we’re aware that some of you maybe in your last year at College and so it dawned on us that it would be a good idea to inform you of the two tools you’ll need to present your wok in which are a portfolio and sketchbook.

Fashion students need these two tools to showcase creative and unique designs for those all important interviews at universities and internships.  Below are three pointers to get you started in your final year as you’ll need six months to be ready before you go on interviews to impress people that work in the fashion industry.

Portfolio Content – The content will depend on the type of course you are going to study; however here are a few ideas that you may want to consider in regards to what you can have in your portfolio. Fashion Illustrations, Designs and sketches, Paintings and drawings, Graphics working drawings, Photography, Computer aided design and Photographs of garments you have designed.

Portfolio Size – The size of the portfolio doesn’t mater as it solely depends upon the content inside. Therefore, fashion students can choose from various sizes i.e.  A4, A3 and etcetera; the most useful way to compose a fashion portfolio is to showcase a series of projects you have created. Also, students should ensure that the portfolio doesn’t look cluttered as this can be a distraction for the person who is assessing your work. Source: University of The Arts

Sketchbook – The purpose of a sketchbook is like having a fashion diary to practice sketching in as well as painting ideas, brainstorming and to organise creative ideas into fashion designs to showcase your process to your projects. Fashion students should ensure that they show research, development, experimentation and fittings.

Video clip on ‘how to build a portfolio’ by celebrity designer Nick Verreos 

Middle Eastern Fashion – Esmod Dubai School

sjfashions introduces Esmod Dubai institution of fashion design students at a glance in years one and two showcasing their end of year collections.

Esmod is the oldest and yet notorious fashion design school in the world that was established in 1841. Esmod has a significant amount of fashion schools internationally across France, Asia, North and South America and in the Middle East which helps to explore new cultures and fashion. sjfashions feels it is valuable for emerging fashion design students and designers to know what else in happening in the fashion world overseas and to see what other people create when it comes to fashion design.

At Esmod Dubai students can enrol on various courses such as Fashion Design Pattern Cutting, Fashion Workshop, Fashion Marketing Certification, Professional Fashion Makeup and Pattern Making.

In both videos you will hopefully be inspired by Esmod Dubai fashion design students creativity and French flair showcasing their final year collections of 2013.

Esmod Dubai