Young Designer – Tumisola Ladega

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

sjfashions has discovered a highly creative and inspirational young designer called Tumisola Ladega who is only 15 years old studying textiles and art for her GCSE’s. Tumisola is one of very few that know what they want to do from the age of 15 as most people tend to change their mind in regards to careers, which is natural. So, it was no surprise when this young designer told people she wanted to do just that, design. Tumisola expressed that when she would share her passion with her pairs and other people they would: ” laugh and say I would grow out of it, that it is really hard to become successful in the fashion industry; but I am 100% positive I want to be a fashion designer”.

Tumisola wants her brand ‘Tumiila’ to be a house hold name internationally and dreams of having her work showcased at London Fashion Week and Mercedes-Benz New York. As Tumisola develops her crafts she hopes to be able to style celebrities and get her name out in the world of fashion in order for more opportunities arise. Tumisola Lodega says she get’s her inspiration from: ” everything – whether it’s a plug socket or blinds, anything can make a beautiful garment”. Tumisola has a diverse range of creations from ready to wear couture to avant guard whilst using a range of patterns and prints such as African wax.

Tumisola has showcased her work at high-profile fashion events such as African Fashion Week London 2013, Lagos Fashion and Design Week 2013, FDC Designer Awards 2013 and came 2nd place at the Young Designer Awards 2011. Tumisola Lodega hopes to get into three of the top fashion colleges/universities in the UK such as Central St Martins College of Arts and Design.

Monochain Collection - Black and White

Monochain Collection August 2013 – Black and White

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