College Students – Fashion Portfolios and Sketchbooks

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Here at sjfashions we’re aware that some of you maybe in your last year at College and so it dawned on us that it would be a good idea to inform you of the two tools you’ll need to present your wok in which are a portfolio and sketchbook.

Fashion students need these two tools to showcase creative and unique designs for those all important interviews at universities and internships.  Below are three pointers to get you started in your final year as you’ll need six months to be ready before you go on interviews to impress people that work in the fashion industry.

Portfolio Content – The content will depend on the type of course you are going to study; however here are a few ideas that you may want to consider in regards to what you can have in your portfolio. Fashion Illustrations, Designs and sketches, Paintings and drawings, Graphics working drawings, Photography, Computer aided design and Photographs of garments you have designed.

Portfolio Size – The size of the portfolio doesn’t mater as it solely depends upon the content inside. Therefore, fashion students can choose from various sizes i.e.  A4, A3 and etcetera; the most useful way to compose a fashion portfolio is to showcase a series of projects you have created. Also, students should ensure that the portfolio doesn’t look cluttered as this can be a distraction for the person who is assessing your work. Source: University of The Arts

Sketchbook – The purpose of a sketchbook is like having a fashion diary to practice sketching in as well as painting ideas, brainstorming and to organise creative ideas into fashion designs to showcase your process to your projects. Fashion students should ensure that they show research, development, experimentation and fittings.

Video clip on ‘how to build a portfolio’ by celebrity designer Nick Verreos